Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sweet Summer Time

It has been a long time since I last sat down to write here.
Many wonderful things have transpired. Couples have been wed and babies have been born. Seniors have graduated ready to move on and our dear sweet kitty passed away. All these things are a part of life and all it's gifts and challenges. I continue to have the honor and privilege of photographing all these events. Moment after moment of sweet and sorrow. I have so many images to post and yet at this moment I am only putting up a few. It's a bit of a take time to stop and "see" the flowers sort of night. I will post the other wonderful photos soon but for now please take these in. It is summer and the smell of sweetness and the warmth of the sunlight mixes each day to remind us of the beauty and abundance of it all.


Alice said...

Lovely flowers and sentiments. Can't wait to see more of your photos!! xoxo, Alice

IsaacArt said...

Ditto what Alice said. Sweet Summer Time indeed. I love the rain of lavender.